Life has been crazy here at Ring Finger Studio the past month but we’re happy to say the blog is back in action. Here’s a quick photo update of what we’ve been up to lately:
Designed lots of rings. |
And received some sweet notes in return. |
Found out that this Oval diamond half-eternity band is popular. |
Took a trip to New York. Saw some clients. And Celebrated Chris' father's 50th Birthday! |
Had some awesome clients.
One even made this neat custom hinged wooden box to hold
the engagement ring that fits perfectly in his pocket.
Genius! |
Tried anti-glare film on the Macbook. It was unsuccessful. |
Were quoted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. |
We worked. And worked. And worked some more.
And it all paid off! The Mrs. Shop is finally up!
{Check it out} |
Visited our friends Ashley and Sam Brockinton
for Ashley's surprise birthday party. |
Celebrated Chris' first 4th of July off in what seems like forever
with some sparklers and fireworks. |
And lastly, Gracey drove down to Miami and joined the team. |
Now that we've caught you up to date and Gracey's here to help, be prepared for more blog post to come!